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The Wild Plant Kitchen Academy

Join me for a live virtual class experience and start feeling amazing this year!


Can you relate?

You might have some of these common frustrations or fears...

  • You're sick and tired of feeling sick and tired.
  • You're afraid your future will be filled with prescription drugs to manage your health if you keep going on the same path. 
  • You know you need to make a change, but you're not sure where to start
  • You want to take back control over your health, but you need support and guidance. 
  • You're worried that it's too late for you to see any major results or impact without major medical intervention
  • You feel like you have tried and failed at diets before and you're afraid nothing will work for you

How do I know? Because I've been in your shoes.

Thankfully, I've discovered there's a better way...

Let me show you how simple, easy, and delicious a plant-based diet can be and how much better you'll feel as a result. 

As a certified Food for Life Instructor, I offer a variety of classes and series to show you how simple it  is to make delicious plant-based dishes and optimize your health.

Discover which foods are optimal for weight management and improving health, while eating to prevent and survive common chronic illnesses the plant-based way!

Classes Include:

  • Kickstart Your Health 
  • Diabetes Initiative
  • Foods for a Healthy Heart
  • Healthy Basics and Nutrition Essentials
  • Your Body in Balance
  • Power Foods for the Brain
  • The Cancer Project...and more.

Watch for my upcoming virtual classes or please contact me to arrange for me to teach a class or curriculum of your choice!

Hey Lauri!

Take control over your health and wellness once and for all.

You have the power to feel amazing while enjoying simple, low-cost and delicious foods. 

Enroll now in my FREE Kickstart Your Health class Introductory special to take the first step! 

*Food for Life program is a collaborative effort of physicians, researchers, and nutritionists who have joined together to educate the public about the benefits of a healthful diet for improved health and disease prevention. Based in Washington, D.C., Food for Life is a program of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine.


Food for life classes and education and all content on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure and disease or condition. It should not take the place of advice, treatment and or diagnosis of a qualified licensed medical professional. Please consult with your physician when making dramatic changes to your diet.